Venice Wedding & Engagement Lifestyle Photographer


Civil wedding in Venice: what you need to know before getting married in Venice

You may have probably chosen Venice as your civil wedding destination. For legal marriage, you just need to prepare and sign some paperwork. It is quite natural to desire a religious ceremony and have legal value to it. 

Marriage for foreigners in Venice

You might not be an Italian citizen, but then have the desire to get married in the beautiful city of Venice. But for your wedding to get recognized as a legal union in your own native country, you are to request ‘nulla osta’. This declaration states of no impediment to your marriage. Translating the declaration to the Italian language and getting it notarized is essential. 

Your own country may release a ‘marriage legal capacity certificate’ that you need to submit while applying for banns to get posted. In case, both of you belong to some non-EU country, then only ‘nulla osta’ will not do, if getting married in Venice. You also require possessing a document to demonstrate meeting specified Italian legal requirements. 

When to arrive in Venice to get married legally?

Do you both need to come in advance? This again depends. Generally, you may reach Venice 2-3 days before the stipulated wedding date. You also have the option to come earlier like 10 days or even before, based on your nationality. You need to deal with the different bureaucracy stuff to ensure a hassle-free and legal wedding in Venice. 

Any difference between a religious and civil weddings in Venice concerning paperwork

Yes, there are a few differences that you should be aware of. It is necessary to attend the Pre-Cana course to have a Catholic wedding ceremony. It will provide another ‘nulla osta’, thereby allowing you to get married at this beautiful place. 

In Italy, Catholic weddings have legal validity based on your decision only. However, if you get married in the home country, you are to present the church with your marriage certificate to solve the problem. 

Marriage rules in Venice

Similar to other countries, there are some rules that you need to respect in Italy for wedding:

  • Groom and Bride cannot be first/second degree relatives.

  • Groom and Bride are to be legally divorced or single.

  • In case any of the two have already got married once and divorced later, then Catholic ceremony is not possible.

  • Both Groom and Bride are to be baptized to have Catholic wedding.

Being well-informed will ensure you have a memorable wedding in Venice.

Planning your civil wedding in Venice?

If you are looking for the best photography services for your wedding, celebration, party, elopement or anniversary, send me a message to reserve your day.